Monday, January 15, 2007

Mrs Sharmuttah from Hebron

The Sharmutta from Hebron
By David Verveer
I propose that Mrs. Sharmuttah from Tel Rumeida in Hebron should get the Israeli Prize for Humanity, and if this is already given to somebody else, at least she should get the prize for Jewish Letters.
This Lady, managed with her supreme intelligence, to remind the World, what Israel is really doing in the occupied (or should I say, Liberated) territories. Not only by her cursing and neighbor loving attitude, but the Chutzpah of her conviction, that her behavior was in accordance to law and decency.
I don’t know anything about this specific disgusting creature, but wonder why this poor excuse of humanity is allowed to breed ,her children were seen throwing rocks on the Palestinians after dear Mom had thrown her daily (or hourly) portion of boulders on her neighbors.
To explain the actions of Mrs. Sharmuttah, the local chief settler, explained that some 40 settlers were killed in the last years by the Palestinians, I wonder why, as they are such nice peace loving people.
If this would have happened in a town in East Europe or even in America, but instead of Jewish settlers, Arabic settlers, the world would have exploded, and words like racist crimes would have been used, but this are only Palestinians, and dear Mrs. Sharmuttah is our representative, member of a select group of Zealots, who are in the name of the state and God , allowed to act and torture Arabs.
True, now is not the time to throw all those settlers out of the Palestinian population centers, as removing them by force, would risk lives of our people, but allowing them to continue with terrorizing, should be balanced against the P.A. allowing their terrorists to continue, as they, just like us, are too weak to deal with those bandits But really, we should first look in our mirror, before we excuse the behavior of the Arabs, with phrases like “ you can’t trust an Arab”, or “every Arab is a terrorist”, we easily seem to forget that they do not see us Jews living in tranquil Kfar Saba or Raanana, they see only those nice settlers in Hebron .
How come we honor yearly victims of the Holocaust, but are blind to our injustice bestowed by our own hands on Palestinians. Believe it or not, they are just like Shakespeare said, also from flesh and blood, and they have feelings, just like us.

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