Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Has our nightmare come true?

Has our nightmare come true?
By David Verveer
Didn’t you wonder what happened to the Russian Mafia, which was active taking over the World finances, and suddenly disappeared around 5 to 10 years ago, when stories of the Russian Oligarchs, mostly with traces of Jewish blood in their veins, appeared to have selected Israel as their homeland, laundry facility. We smiled at the story on the Bank Hapoalim money laundering affair, as we thought it would not effect us personally, only some rich Russians trying to whitewash their hard earned money, which most certainly strengthens our financial status in the World.
We did worry however, that local small time crooks would get too strong, and were rather happy that instead of united themselves in an efficient crime organization, they started in killing each other, and were very happy, when the United States requested that we allowed them to prosecute one of our gang lords.
But we never realized that our country was under attack, and eventually, we lost this war, and were occupied by forces which are illusive and nameless, but cruel and spiteful.
The numerous scandals and court cases against many of our leaders, are small warnings, by our occupiers, with the help of carefully timed leaks to the press, to demonstrate to our leaders, that if they do not perform according instructions, they will be ruined (even by a kiss).
All levels of administration are effected, as our occupiers know their job, and do not want a Robin Hood character try to liberate the society of their doom. The occupation works extremely smooth by infiltration of the political parties (specially those who do not have yet a party structure, by funding and / or financing operations) , and today fully control our government.
Did you not wonder, that while both leading Governmental political parties claimed that they will do everything in order to improve the conditions of the poor, the national budget approved for 2007 was an uninterrupted continuation of the terrible injustice, introduced by Netanyahu gang several years back. Indeed some back benchers fought very gallantly for the plight of the poor, but then, as a warrant, they released the latest tax office scandal, or in other words, comply with our wishes or else, their will be a terrible smell.
The good intentions of our head of the Bank of Israel, who claims that Israel is an attractive country for foreign investors, are most certainly sincere, but help only to make the rich , richer. Nonsense, you will say, investments create more jobs. True, that is the reason, the Government approved to bring in another bunch of foreign slaves (workers).
Now the question remains, who are our real occupiers, the people behind all this?
Of course, I don’t know, I suspect they are a bunch of very clever people, who realized that Israel might be a perfect center to run World crime. Using us and playing us, does not mean, ruining us, for they need us for providing a legal face to the world, but dear fellow citizens, are we not assisting in creating the anti-Semitic claim of Jews taking over of the world?
In my opinion, there are several ways to get out of this mess:
1 – Don’t believe me, trust in the goodness of our people, stop reading papers (sport papers are allowed, but football news is slightly tinted).
2 – Believe me and fight for justice, don’t let them take the pension you saved your entire live, insist on getting all considerations and rights you earned or
3 – Immigrate to some far away island, forget about the Zionistic dream, have a good life.
But remember, I possess no inside information, I reacted only on news stories presented to us by the media, I might be making too much out of nothing, but think about it, what was not correct in my presentation?

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