Wednesday, December 6, 2006

forbidden knowledge

Dear Mrs. Tamir, since when, we teach historical truth?
By David Verveer
It is a terrible mistake to allow Israeli children to learn their history, by revealing to them that our armies, in our glorious war of independence did not manage to conquer the entire territory, promised to us by ”G-d” himself, but had to agree to an cease fire agreement, which left the Yehuda, Shomron, the Golan and the Gaza Strip outside Israel.
Such information, even though, part of our recent history, will give our children the comprehension why our enemies make claims that the West Bank, etc. are occupied territories, and question the legality of settlements outside this blasted green line. Such information is dangerous and leads to far fetched demands of justice, such as, return to the old armistice lines, as was agreed in ’48 and recognized by the World.
Instead of teaching our kids real history, we could teach more fiction on the mighty Jewish empire during the period of King Salomon, as base for conquering some more territories, so that our people could return to their historical birth rights.
Historical facts are irrelevant, as history is written by reporters and outsiders, for example, the fictional story we teach our children about the so-called heroes at the Masada, (not to mention stories of the recent past).
The DNA of our Palestinian enemies have many similarities to DNA of our settler brothers, could it be that our historical claims are shared by Palestinian descendants of the lost tribes, who did not disappear, but stayed put, while our ancestors went abroad, to look for a better life?
Of course, DNA is no proof what so ever, we accept Jews from India with a DNA which has no similarities to those of Jews, but are converted by Orthodox Rabbis, but reject DNA cousins forcefully converted to Islam, as our enemies, even though, they continued to live in a land, that was promised to their offspring too (irrelevant to what their religious beliefs would be).
I think the Settlers, together with the Rabbinical Council should prepare a list of historical facts not to be told to our children, a type of black list, and every book which mentions those forbidden information should be burned at the main town square, in a suitable ceremony, accompanied with prayer and dancing zealots. Children, which by accident, learned about the Green Line, should be sent to camps to be reeducated. Teachers who, even though, strictly forbidden, teach this dangerous and forbidden material, should be sent to guard the settlements, and go with the courageous settlers, harvesting olives in the by Palestinian occupied orchards.
I don’t know what happened to us, tomorrow, those socialists will start teaching the evolution of Darwin, and tell us that we are descendants of monkeys or pigs.

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