Monday, January 15, 2007

Mrs Sharmuttah from Hebron

The Sharmutta from Hebron
By David Verveer
I propose that Mrs. Sharmuttah from Tel Rumeida in Hebron should get the Israeli Prize for Humanity, and if this is already given to somebody else, at least she should get the prize for Jewish Letters.
This Lady, managed with her supreme intelligence, to remind the World, what Israel is really doing in the occupied (or should I say, Liberated) territories. Not only by her cursing and neighbor loving attitude, but the Chutzpah of her conviction, that her behavior was in accordance to law and decency.
I don’t know anything about this specific disgusting creature, but wonder why this poor excuse of humanity is allowed to breed ,her children were seen throwing rocks on the Palestinians after dear Mom had thrown her daily (or hourly) portion of boulders on her neighbors.
To explain the actions of Mrs. Sharmuttah, the local chief settler, explained that some 40 settlers were killed in the last years by the Palestinians, I wonder why, as they are such nice peace loving people.
If this would have happened in a town in East Europe or even in America, but instead of Jewish settlers, Arabic settlers, the world would have exploded, and words like racist crimes would have been used, but this are only Palestinians, and dear Mrs. Sharmuttah is our representative, member of a select group of Zealots, who are in the name of the state and God , allowed to act and torture Arabs.
True, now is not the time to throw all those settlers out of the Palestinian population centers, as removing them by force, would risk lives of our people, but allowing them to continue with terrorizing, should be balanced against the P.A. allowing their terrorists to continue, as they, just like us, are too weak to deal with those bandits But really, we should first look in our mirror, before we excuse the behavior of the Arabs, with phrases like “ you can’t trust an Arab”, or “every Arab is a terrorist”, we easily seem to forget that they do not see us Jews living in tranquil Kfar Saba or Raanana, they see only those nice settlers in Hebron .
How come we honor yearly victims of the Holocaust, but are blind to our injustice bestowed by our own hands on Palestinians. Believe it or not, they are just like Shakespeare said, also from flesh and blood, and they have feelings, just like us.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Has our nightmare come true?

Has our nightmare come true?
By David Verveer
Didn’t you wonder what happened to the Russian Mafia, which was active taking over the World finances, and suddenly disappeared around 5 to 10 years ago, when stories of the Russian Oligarchs, mostly with traces of Jewish blood in their veins, appeared to have selected Israel as their homeland, laundry facility. We smiled at the story on the Bank Hapoalim money laundering affair, as we thought it would not effect us personally, only some rich Russians trying to whitewash their hard earned money, which most certainly strengthens our financial status in the World.
We did worry however, that local small time crooks would get too strong, and were rather happy that instead of united themselves in an efficient crime organization, they started in killing each other, and were very happy, when the United States requested that we allowed them to prosecute one of our gang lords.
But we never realized that our country was under attack, and eventually, we lost this war, and were occupied by forces which are illusive and nameless, but cruel and spiteful.
The numerous scandals and court cases against many of our leaders, are small warnings, by our occupiers, with the help of carefully timed leaks to the press, to demonstrate to our leaders, that if they do not perform according instructions, they will be ruined (even by a kiss).
All levels of administration are effected, as our occupiers know their job, and do not want a Robin Hood character try to liberate the society of their doom. The occupation works extremely smooth by infiltration of the political parties (specially those who do not have yet a party structure, by funding and / or financing operations) , and today fully control our government.
Did you not wonder, that while both leading Governmental political parties claimed that they will do everything in order to improve the conditions of the poor, the national budget approved for 2007 was an uninterrupted continuation of the terrible injustice, introduced by Netanyahu gang several years back. Indeed some back benchers fought very gallantly for the plight of the poor, but then, as a warrant, they released the latest tax office scandal, or in other words, comply with our wishes or else, their will be a terrible smell.
The good intentions of our head of the Bank of Israel, who claims that Israel is an attractive country for foreign investors, are most certainly sincere, but help only to make the rich , richer. Nonsense, you will say, investments create more jobs. True, that is the reason, the Government approved to bring in another bunch of foreign slaves (workers).
Now the question remains, who are our real occupiers, the people behind all this?
Of course, I don’t know, I suspect they are a bunch of very clever people, who realized that Israel might be a perfect center to run World crime. Using us and playing us, does not mean, ruining us, for they need us for providing a legal face to the world, but dear fellow citizens, are we not assisting in creating the anti-Semitic claim of Jews taking over of the world?
In my opinion, there are several ways to get out of this mess:
1 – Don’t believe me, trust in the goodness of our people, stop reading papers (sport papers are allowed, but football news is slightly tinted).
2 – Believe me and fight for justice, don’t let them take the pension you saved your entire live, insist on getting all considerations and rights you earned or
3 – Immigrate to some far away island, forget about the Zionistic dream, have a good life.
But remember, I possess no inside information, I reacted only on news stories presented to us by the media, I might be making too much out of nothing, but think about it, what was not correct in my presentation?

Sunday, January 7, 2007

corruption anywhere

Corruption anywhere
By David Verveer

The current scandal at the Tax authorities is the last nail in the coffin, with us Jews running the country, we do not need enemies, we are self sufficient in ruining each others lives.
Lets look who has a corruption or sexual harassment case running, the presidency, the prime minister, the minister of justice, 30 members of parliament, in religious circles, the Ashkenazi chief rabbi, the wife of the Sephardic rabbi, mayors of towns, police (underworld connections, etc.), foot ball players, Army Generals, and I could go on like this but surely you understand my point.
Sure, it is true that everybody is innocent until proven guilty, but what about the expression, where there is smoke, there is a source of fire. I really hope that most of the people mentioned above will be declared “not guilty”, specially the terrible crime accusation of the minister of Justice, kissing in broad day light, how utterly disgusting.
But the point I try to make, is that our society is guided by a principle of the wild west, everybody for him self, try to get the most out of everything, investing in a proper placed official, by giving him the suitable gifts, is the only way to succeed in this country. When the official tells you, he can not do anything to help, this is the law, please note, this is the trigger to find a way to corrupt him sufficiently, as for small gifts, he will not endanger himself.
I don’t say that everybody in Israel is corrupt, for example, as far as I know, I never accepted nor offered a bribe, and I suspect I know some others, who never tempted or were tempted to enter the shadow world of corruption, but you must admit, something stinks in the kingdom of Israel (Shakespeare translated). Think one moment on some facts about our country (the only democracy of the Middle East), the Holocaust victims, die daily without receiving the money which is legally theirs, Israel is a popular country for foreign investors, but more than 800,000 children live under the poverty line, Bank directors get enormous salaries, but those are paid directly through fees the banks require from their poor customers.
How can we teach our children that corruption is bad, while they were told to respect leaders, who obvious never were interested in earning an honest bug. I remember leaders from the past, such as Begin and Ben Gurion, who did not bother to gather personal fortunes, and really tried to be honest with the people who elected them.
But I suspect this country is run by the underworld, and those, who were or are accused, simply did not comply with all the wishes of their crime-masters, and thus, very carefully and professionally, scandals were released to the press, accusing them of some miner crimes they committed, with the knowledge that they will keep quiet about the real big crimes.
I do not think we are the most corrupted country in the World, far from it, but I am disappointed that we Jews, because of personal greed, did not manage to create a true nation of corruption free justice, face it, if we are really the chosen people, how bad are our enemies.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

primitive revenge

Primitive revenge
by David Verveer
How utterly stupid and senseless was the execution of Saddam Hussein, I am saying this not because I am against capital punishment, which is a primitive declaration of revenge, but the logic behind it. When they killed the monster, he stopped suffering and stopped feeling, or in other words, they relieved him of his punishment for his crimes. He went to his death, believing that he was the Arab hero, fighting the infidels, one of the most wanted situations in the Moslems world, dying a martyr.
This reminds me of the joke, where a boy was kicked out of the class room, because farting. He was standing in the corridor laughing loudly. Somebody passed by and asked the boy, what is so funny? He said, I farted, and was sent out of the class room, but they remained with the odor.
Executing Saddam is precisely the same stupidity, instead of making him suffer, like his victims did, they freed him by killing him and at the same time made him a martyr and gave those idiots, some more excuses to kill and ruin the original garden of Eve, and why, only for a primitive desire to revenge. How can we ever claim, that we are more intelligent than animals, who do not kill for the fun of it, is beyond my comprehension.
But I will cease protesting, as somebody would think that I care about the death of this beast, and claim his innocence, just the opposite, I tell you, he was not punished enough, and treated like an human, a title, he lost many years ago.

Friday, December 22, 2006

honor your heroes

Honor your heroes!
By David Verveer
We, Israelis, do not know how to honor our living heroes. Our dead heroes are celebrated and beatified, but only after they departed from this world. For example, look how we treat Retired Colonel Elhanan Tennenbaum, who risked his own life and precautious health, by voluntary entering an hostile country, in order to promote a drug deal (with operators in Dubai), but was kidnapped by the Hezbollah. Would he have succeeded in his business, he would have paid off his gambling debs and would have promoted the sale of cheaper drugs in Israel (an important advantage for young drug users, which have difficulty paying the expensive drug use).
But all this did not happen, as poor Elhanan was kidnapped by those bad boys and kept in confinement (three years, guilty only of embezzlement, drug dealing, betrayal and other irrelevant micro-crimes) by the Hezbollah. The Hezbollah tried to break Elhanan down, in order to betray Israel’s secrets, but apparently, Elhanan did not know sufficiently, in order to satisfy his captors, and his only remaining value was the prisoner swab card. And indeed, as Israel does not leave his courageous soldiers in the hands of the enemy, and specially not high ranking retired Colonels, somehow relate to the ruling class of our society, he was exchanged, together with three dead soldiers for 436 Arab prisoners, plus a German spy.
436 Arab prisoners imprisonment cost is estimated at least 1,300 dollar per capita / yearly or in other words, worth more than 500,000 U.S. dollars per year or in 3 years (average remaining prison time) – 1,500,000 U.S. dollars. Our hero Elhanan saved this expense for you, the Israeli tax payer, with his unselfish and courageous behavior, and for this, he should be praised, but no, we ignore the poor fellow, we make fun of his former precautious health, which, thank the Lord, has remarkably and surprisingly improved, after his return to us.
I am happy to notice that the Government treats Elhanan much better than the media, which was demonstrated recently, when Elhanan admitted that he tried to arrange an international drug deal, and our court declined to charge him for International crimes, as they had reached an agreement not to process his alleged crimes. Imagine, the Government breaking their promise to a guilty (by admission), drug dealer! Who would be prepared to assist in catching real criminals (such as tax offenders, illegal workers, elderly people not paying their taxes, etc.).
Elhanan is only one example of many, silent heroes, trying to do their duty to the nation, without expecting any payment for their sacrifice (did I mention, that Israel paid a pension to Elhanan’s family, during his imprisonment in Lebanon?).

Monday, December 11, 2006

voor mij bestaat hij niet

Ik heb er genoeg van, ik geloof er niets meer van, allemaal leugens, hij bestaat niet, ik heb hem zijn laatste kans gegeven, maar niets gebeurde, en nu heb ik er genoeg van, Sinterklaas bestaat niet!
Toen ik klein was, had ik van die zogenaamde intelligente vrienden die mij in geheim vertelde, dat Sinterklaas niet bestaat, maar ik geloofde hun niet, zelfs toen ze me vertelde, dat Sinterklaas geen cadeautjes brengt aan Joodse kinderen, en inderdaad, elke 5de December (ik ben niet zeker of het de nacht tussen de 4de en 5de December, of de volgende nacht), bracht de zogenaamde heilige man, cadeautjes, des al niet te min, ik Joods ben. Hoe kon ik toen weten dat mijn moeder, die meestal erg veel van de waarheid hield, mij bedroog met mij te vertellen dat Sinterklaas, die pakketjes had gebracht, in het midden van de nacht, in de stromende regen en koude, heeft die oude man, op zijn schimmel, mij en mijn broers en zus, verrast met speelgoed en snoep (chocolade letters, speculaas poppen, borst-plaat en zo voort.).
Toen ik ouder werd en niet meer in Nederland woonde (in Engeland van mijn 15de tot mijn 19de verjaardag), kreeg ik pakketjes uit Holland, van mijn moeder, die schreef dat Sinterklaas voor mij deze cadeautjes had gebracht, en ik geloofde haar, want ik zag geen enkele reden voor een leugen, vooral niet van mijn moeder, die altijd gelijk had.
Toen immigreerde ik naar Israël en een pionier werd (in de woestijn), en begreep ik dat onze lieve Sint niet naar een kibboets in de woestijn kon komen voor mij alleen, dus alleen, zonder peper noten, zat ik voor twee nachten buiten, met heimwee naar het verleden dat nooit meer terug komt.
Gedurende de jaren die daar op volgden, werd mijn herinnering van de goede Sint steeds vager, en ging de 5 December voorbij, zonder dat ik aan hem dacht, tot men de Internet schiep (het verleden van schapen, niet die wollige beestjes, maar hokus-pokus), en toen mij elke morgen met Hollandse kranten, mij terug bracht naar het sinterklaas festiviteiten.
Nu dat ik volwassen ben, begrijp ik niet waarom de knecht (of moet ik nu, “eerste assistent” zeggen) van Sinterklaas is een Afrikaanse (of Surinaamse) zwart gekleurde allochtoon , waarom kan de goede Sint niet met een vol bloed Nederlander (of uit de Europese Unie) werken, of bijvoorbeeld een Joodse Witte Piet, waarom niet, zelfs de Paus heeft gezegd dat de Joden, Jezus niet hebben gekruisigd, maar ik had het over mijn persoonlijke relatie met de (schijn)heilige man, en niet over discriminatie in Nederland.
Zoals ik al zei, toen ik door de kranten weer terug in de Sinterklaas atmosfeer terug kwam, besloot ik hem een laatste kans te geven, en als hij deze keer weer niet reageert, hij voor mij passé is, voor altijd, uit punt.
Hier in Israël is het niet koud genoeg voor schoorsteen kachels, dus hebben we geen schoorstenen, verder kousen (lange) gebruiken we ook niet, en dragen we alleen maar sokken (en daar kan niet veel in, speciaal die stretch sokken van vandaag), dus wat moet ik waar ophangen, dat die schlemiel van een Piet, aan de Sint kan vertellen, dat er nog een adres is, waar zijn cadeautjes worden verwacht?
Maar ik ben niet lui, en na een beetje planning, heb ik een twintig tal bakstenen gekocht, en daarmee een imitatie schoorsteen gebouwd, en in plaats van kousen, mijn vrouw haar nylon kousen opgehangen, met erin een duidelijk lijstje van mijn verzoeken (in Engels, Nederlands en Hebreeuws, je kan nooit weten) , en op Sint's nacht, nadat ik Sinterklaas kapoentje, Zie ginds komt de stoomboot uit Spanje weer aan, en voor de zekerheid ook, wie Neerlands bloed ineen potje doet, had gezongen, ging ik naar bed (ik had natuurlijk het raam open gelaten, anders hoe komt hij er in).
De morgen kwam, ik rende naar mijn vrouw, haar kous, maar nee hoor, hij heeft de laatste kans aan hem voorbij laten gaan, en ik had geen overdreven verlanglijstje, ik wou alleen maar vrede hebben, en een adres in Israël waar ik Gelderse Rookworst kon kopen, dat is niet overdreven, niet waar?
Dus voor mij, Sinterklaas is uit en Hanukaklaus in, (Hanuka valt dit jaar in de laatste week van December, 8 dagen lang). Mij zullen jullie niet meer horen zingen over die vent uit Spanje, en zijn huppelende paard. Ik zing nu uit volle borst:
Hanuka klaus kapoentje, gooi wat in mijn schoentje, de rest ben ik vergeten.
Luitjes al de beste wensen voor een geweldig nieuw jaar, zalig uiteinde, gezondheid, vrede, en een goede hoeveelheid van plezier en geluk, lachen is altijd beter dan huilen.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

commemorating Beni Sela's flight

Commemorating Beni Sela’s flight
By David Verveer
In an example of rare cooperation of several Governmental Offices, The Third Secretary of the Ministry of the vice Assistant Prime Minister of Israel and Jewish colonies anywhere, announced yesterday at an hasty assembled Press conference, that several Government offices were found willing to give their full hearted support to arrange an Audio Visual Exhibition of the “Beni Sela flight for freedom”, which came to a sudden and drastic end, when Beni, tired and hungry, allowed the courageous police force to capture him, after having tasted freedom for more than 15 days.
The exhibition, which can be seen in the lobby of the Tel Aviv Court of Justice, the site were it all started, will have loop recordings of the flight (included the reconstructed educational first stage of the flight, played by the handcuffed policeman, managing to climb the wall and disappear just as Beni Sela himself (we hope this policeman realizes his potentials as filmstar). Of course, the file, which Sela claimed to have forgotten, which was recovered by the intelligent policeman, thus allowing Sela to escape, can be seen, together with the handcuffs (slightly damaged ) and the foot chains, which were recovered later in the Prison stores, and look like new (never used).
An other important exhibit will be the bicycle stolen by Sela, during his Sharon epoch. Fascinating is the exhibit of the tap, from which Sela drunk, and the bundle of sacks, on which he rested his tired limbs.
An highlight is of course the photo taken by the security guard at Kibbutz Kinneret, showing Sela sitting in a stolen car waiting to enter the kibbutz.
The girl which was questioned by Sela in the kibbutz, which made her famous country wide, explains in a video recorded, her memories of the meeting.
If I understand correctly, the shower hat, at the home of Sela’s relatives in the northern town of Nesher, used by Sela, on the last day of the flight, will be bought for a considerable sum, by the Ministry of Internal Security, in order to show their involvement in the capture.
The civil guards which finally tied up Sela, after he exhausted gave up the fight, can be seen in a mocked up demonstration, hitting Sela, when safely bound.
In the last phase of the exhibition, one can see a list of police and prison personnel of all ranks, responsible of finally safeguarding the public of the menace called Sela, and an early estimate on how much this escape has cost the tax payer.
We think this exhibition is a must for school children and students, in order to teach an essential part of citizenship, and show them the high cost we civilian pays for internal security.
The suggestion of having a yearly Sela flight memorial day on the 8th of December is by all means, extremely educational, and should be combined with an annual open day at Israel’s prisons.